YEAH! We have internet in our apt.! I think I said" Spa-see-ba" Thank You in Russian a hundred times to the installers and our landlord. We were all excited ready to call home,but after hours of trying we are unable to buy Skype credit from Ukraine. I want to call my children at my moms and can't. I am so sad I could cry. I miss my children!I can't wait for the day we are all together at home. This is so hard. For all those who have done this before,please tell me how you made it through this. You can't be with any of your kids during this long process. You leave children behind with family and each day you have so say good-bye to your new child who doesn't understand why you keep leaving without her everyday. Lord,please help me. No one could have prepared me for how heart wrenching this is.
Now, for details. The first day we met Irina was June17th. Irina has dreamed of having a family for so long, in order to protect her she was told guests were coming. After getting information about her history and her medcial condition,we were taken to her cottage to meet her. When they opened the door and she walked out, she was more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. She smiled and said Hello with her cute accent. I had tried to learn some Russian phrases beforehand,so I asked her in Russian what her name was,she said Irina Nikulina and then she asked me my name. We had brought a teddy bear to give her,so our facilitator said don't you have a gift for her? We pulled out "Mishka"from our bag and handed it to her. She smiled,but you could see the wondering in her eyes. The facilitator asked her what she dreams of having and she answered a "Mama and Papa" The ladys in the room had to turn their heads ,so Irina would not see them crying. It was very moving. They quickly took her back into the cottage. They took us outside and asked us if we were sure we still wanted to adopt Irina. With tears flowing, we said YES! The facilitator said "Are you sure"? Tim said, "Nothing could stop me." After much excitement and tears, we were off to take care of the paperwork to offically accept the referral to adopt Irina. We didn't see her again til the next day.
Now, for details. The first day we met Irina was June17th. Irina has dreamed of having a family for so long, in order to protect her she was told guests were coming. After getting information about her history and her medcial condition,we were taken to her cottage to meet her. When they opened the door and she walked out, she was more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. She smiled and said Hello with her cute accent. I had tried to learn some Russian phrases beforehand,so I asked her in Russian what her name was,she said Irina Nikulina and then she asked me my name. We had brought a teddy bear to give her,so our facilitator said don't you have a gift for her? We pulled out "Mishka"from our bag and handed it to her. She smiled,but you could see the wondering in her eyes. The facilitator asked her what she dreams of having and she answered a "Mama and Papa" The ladys in the room had to turn their heads ,so Irina would not see them crying. It was very moving. They quickly took her back into the cottage. They took us outside and asked us if we were sure we still wanted to adopt Irina. With tears flowing, we said YES! The facilitator said "Are you sure"? Tim said, "Nothing could stop me." After much excitement and tears, we were off to take care of the paperwork to offically accept the referral to adopt Irina. We didn't see her again til the next day.
YAY!!! Finally internet! I have been going crazy wanting detail and am eating up the pictures along with every little detail you write. So, now that you've detailed the first day, keep going on the rest. I can't wait till you guys get home with Irina!!! Hugs to you both,
She is precious and my heart breaks for the desire these children have for a mama and a papa. I am so happy for you!!
ReplyDeleteHope you are home soon with your family.