Monday, June 28, 2010

Written Consent

June 18th cont'd.
After Irina showed us off to all the caregivers and the children, our facilitator said we had to go to do more paperwork. We didn't want to leave, but she told Irina we would be back in a little bit. At about 2:15pm we arrived back at the orphanage. Irina was sleeping because the children take naps b/t 1-3pm. That's also naptime at home! They had to wake her up, so she could give them her written consent to be adopted by us. She came out looking so tired and disoriented. I felt bad for her that she got woke up. She saw our facilitator up near the main building,so she wanted to go where she was. I followed behind her as she said "Pahs-lee, Mama", which I learned means "Let's go". She then yelled "Pahs-Lee" to Papa, but he wasn't coming fast enough for her, nor did he grab the backpack. So she ran over to him ,quickly zipped up the bag, and put in on her back all the while saying, "Pahs-Lee". I must mention she loved the backpack and everything in it. She is so curious! She took everything out exploring every inch of it. She found my water bottle in there and chugged it. She was so thirsty! She also took my sunglasses off my head and put them on. She fits right in with her siblings who do the same thing. Everybody wants to wear my sunglasses and drink my water!

Once the Social Worker was ready, we headed back to the cottage and sat down at the little table we sat at this morning. They gave her a piece of paper and pen, and began telling her what to write. She had beautiful cursive handwriting!. As she wrote out our names Timoti and Cyntia in Russian, I was amazed at how brave she was. What a smart, assertive & observant little girl! She is just like her sister!! Again, we had to quickly leave in order to get all our paperwork to the Judge's secretary before the weekend. They told Irina we had to go, but that we would be back tomorrow. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek!! Then she ran over and gave Tim a hug too. He picked her up and gave her a big squeeze! Oh, Lord you are so GOOD!!!! What a joyous day! What an amazing gift God has given us- another child to LOVE. I never expected hugs or kisses, and she so freely gave them. WOW!! I stand in awe at the work of HIS hands!!
Today we bonded with Irina even more during our visit. She has a boo-boo on her finger that she showed me on Sat. So, today I brought some band-aids and anti-bacterial ointment. I looked at her finger, and could see a little piece of a splinter still in her finger. I tried to pull it out, but she kept jerking her hand away. I got out the band-aid and the ointment, dressed her wound ,and gave it a kiss, she was thrilled! She loved being taken care of. She quickly took of her sock to show me another boo-boo on her foot. Thank goodness I brought more than 1 band-aid. It was the first time I got to see her feet because she is always wearing socks. She has the cutest little feet and toes! They were so soft like babies feet. I can't wait to get her home,clean her up, put lotion on her and just baby her.


  1. The Lord gave you a gem! I'm so happy for her and for you. I hope you get to keep that piece of paper that says she wants you as her family. How precious are those words!
